Wiedner Hauptstraße 146-148, 1050 Wien

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It is a great privilege that God speaks to us. He chose to reveal his thoughts in a book. We as a church want to value God’s ideas by faithfully studying the Bible and preaching the truth we discover.
We hope that the sermons at New City Wien will introduce God’s view to you in a way that will lead you to a deeper appreciation for Jesus, a better understanding of life and changed hearts and lives.
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Active filter: Preacher: JD Bautista (x) , Series:  (x)
Book: Psalm (6), Ecclesiastes (1), Mark (2), 1 Thessalonians (1).
Date: 2018 (4), 2019 (4), 2020 (1), 2022 (1)

Date Title Passage Preacher Series
January 2, 2022 A Prayer for the New Year :: Ein Gebet für das neue Jahr Psalm 131:1-3 JD Bautista
December 27, 2020 How long, O Lord? :: Wie lange, o Herr? Psalm 13:1-6 JD Bautista
December 29, 2019 What does man gain? :: Welchen Gewinn hat der Mensch? Ecclesiastes 1:1-11 JD Bautista
August 18, 2019 Who Is Jesus? :: Wer ist Jesus? Mark 3:7-35 JD Bautista
August 4, 2019 Hope for the Downcast Soul :: Hoffnung für die niedergeschlagene Seele Psalm 42:1-43:5 JD Bautista
January 6, 2019 The Call to an Ordinary Life :: Der Ruf für ein gewöhnliches Leben 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12 JD Bautista
December 30, 2018 Praise the Lord! Where? Why? How? Who? :: Lobt den Herrn! Wo? Warum? Wie? Wer? Psalm 150:1-6 JD Bautista
December 23, 2018 A Time to Celebrate :: Eine Zeit des Feierns Psalm 98:1-9 JD Bautista
November 11, 2018 The Greatest Servant :: Der größte Diener Mark 10:32-45 JD Bautista
June 10, 2018 Home :: Zu Hause Psalm 90:1-17 JD Bautista