Over the past 2 years, God led us to two adjoining properties to become the new home of New City Wien, just up the road from where our last building was located. For Phase 1, New City Wien has been raising €320,000 (US$350,000) in order the purchase and renovate the smaller property to serve as our every day meeting and office space.
We partnered with a Christian investor and developer who bought and renovated the adjoining larger space, and who is now renting it to us and another church on weekends. Together, both properties provide space for 275 people to gather in one service, along with several rooms for children and adults. We additionally have the right to purchase the larger property in the future (Phase 2), as God provides. All of this will allow us to continue to grow and serve without taking on too large a financial burden.
Our congregation has been committed to giving sacrificially to make this happen. We praise God that we raised over half of the project total just from members within our church, and additional funds from churches and believers around the world. We were able to close on the property in September 2020 and spent the next several months renovating it. On Easter weekend 2021, with much anticipation we began meeting for worship in our new space, and have since been able to hold weekly services there. We still are in need of funds to cover the rest of the renovation costs.
For the next phase (Phase 2), we will continue this fundraising effort so we can purchase the larger, adjoining property as God provides. Thank you for your prayerful consideration to partner with us in this effort.
To give to the New City Wien Church Building Fund–
GIVE in Europe by direct wire transfer to New City Wien
IBAN: AT613200000113318944
BANK: Raiffeisen Landesbank Niederösterreich/Wien
MEMO: New City Wien Church Building Fund
GIVE in the US by clicking HERE
For more information, contact us at buildingfund@newcitywien.at
or visit