Wiedner Hauptstraße 146-148, 1050 Wien

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It is a great privilege that God speaks to us. He chose to reveal his thoughts in a book. We as a church want to value God’s ideas by faithfully studying the Bible and preaching the truth we discover.
We hope that the sermons at New City Wien will introduce God’s view to you in a way that will lead you to a deeper appreciation for Jesus, a better understanding of life and changed hearts and lives.
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Date Title Passage Preacher Series
July 28, 2024 Der Feuerofen :: The Fiery Furnace Daniel 3:1-30 Felix Ring Daniel: God’s Faithfulness in a Foreign Land | Daniel: Gottes Treue in einem fremden Land
January 28, 2024 Die große Umkehrung - Der gerichtete Richter :: The Great Reversal - The Judge being Judged Luke 22:63-71 Felix Ring Luke: The Savior's Love for the Lost :: Lukas: Die Liebe des Erlösers für die Verlorenen
July 2, 2023 Gottes außergewöhnliches Wirken durch gewöhnliche Leute :: God's extraordinary work through ordinary people Esther 2:19-3:15 Felix Ring Esther: The Providence of God :: Ester: Die Vorsehung Gottes
October 16, 2022 Diener des Großen Orchestrators :: Serving the great orchestrator Acts 4:8-13 Felix Ring Acts: The Mission of God :: Apostelgeschichte: Die Mission Gottes
August 21, 2022 Der Mensch denkt, und Gott lenkt :: A man plans, but God directs Haggai 1:1-11 Felix Ring Overview of the Old Testament: Job to Malachi :: Überblick des Alten Testaments: Hiob bis Maleachi
August 1, 2021 Ein Haus der Anbetung aus lebendigen Bausteinen :: A House of Worship Made of Living Stones 1 Kings 1:1-22:53 Felix Ring Overview of the Old Testament: Genesis to Esther :: Überblick des Alten Testaments: 1. Mose bis Esther
July 12, 2020 Lasst uns hinzutreten zu Gott Hebrews 10:19-25 Felix Ring Hebrews :: Hebräer
March 1, 2020 Der Herr aber sieht das Herz an :: But God Looks at the Heart Luke 11:37-54 Felix Ring Luke :: Lukas Evangelium
August 25, 2019 Hiob :: Job Felix Ring
July 7, 2019 Wenn Gott etwas verspricht, dann tritt es ein. :: What God promises He fulfills. Hebrews 7:1-10 Felix Ring Hebrews :: Hebräer