It is a great privilege that God speaks to us. He chose to reveal his thoughts in a book. We as a church want to value God’s ideas by faithfully studying the Bible and preaching the truth we discover.
We hope that the sermons at New City Wien will introduce God’s view to you in a way that will lead you to a deeper appreciation for Jesus, a better understanding of life and changed hearts and lives.
You are able to filter sermons by passages, series etc.

Leviticus (1),
Proverbs (1),
Malachi (1),
Matthew (26),
Luke (2),
John (1),
2 Corinthians (1),
Colossians (1).
Matthew | The Kingdom of God through Jesus Christ :: Matthäus | Das Reich Gottes durch Jesus Christus (2),
Lessons and Carols :: Lieder und Lesungen (1),
NCW 15 Year Anniversary :: NCW 15-Jähriges Jubiläum (1),
Being A Good Steward :: Ein Guter Verwalter Sein (1),
New City Wien Vision / Advent (1),
Immanuel: God with Us :: Immanuel: Gott mit uns (1),
Reasons to Believe :: Glauben? Aus gutem Grund! (3),
New Life, New Community, New City (1),
Christmas 2015 (2),
Standalone (4),
The Lords Prayer (6),
Christ - The Prophet, Priest and King (1),
Reasons to Believe (1).