Wiedner Hauptstraße 146-148, 1050 Wien

Listen to our sermons

It is a great privilege that God speaks to us. He chose to reveal his thoughts in a book. We as a church want to value God’s ideas by faithfully studying the Bible and preaching the truth we discover.
We hope that the sermons at New City Wien will introduce God’s view to you in a way that will lead you to a deeper appreciation for Jesus, a better understanding of life and changed hearts and lives.
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Active filter: Service: Sunday (x) , Series: Hebrews :: Hebräer (x)

Date Title Passage Preacher Series
May 24, 2020 Die zwei Seiten der Ruhmeshalle des Glaubens Hebrews 11:32-40 Brad Hunter Hebrews :: Hebräer
May 17, 2020 The Unexpected Hero Hebrews 11:30-31 JD Bautista Hebrews :: Hebräer
May 17, 2020 Der unerwartete Held Hebrews 11:30-31 JD Bautista (Felix Ring) Hebrews :: Hebräer
May 10, 2020 The Riches of the Reproach of Christ Hebrews 11:23-29 Brad Hunter Hebrews :: Hebräer
May 10, 2020 Der Reichtum der Schmach Christi Hebrews 11:23-29 Brad Hunter Hebrews :: Hebräer
May 3, 2020 People of Faith and Hope Hebrews 11:20-22 Eric Brauer Hebrews :: Hebräer
May 3, 2020 Menschen des Glaubens und der Hoffnung Hebrews 11:20-22 Eric Brauer (Stephen Paul) Hebrews :: Hebräer
April 26, 2020 Faith in an Uncertain World Hebrews 11:8-19 Brad Hunter Hebrews :: Hebräer
April 26, 2020 Glaube in einer unsicheren Welt Hebrews 11:8-19 Brad Hunter Hebrews :: Hebräer
April 19, 2020 Faith Sees the Unseeable Hebrews 11:1-7 JD Bautista Hebrews :: Hebräer