Wiedner Hauptstraße 146-148, 1050 Wien

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It is a great privilege that God speaks to us. He chose to reveal his thoughts in a book. We as a church want to value God’s ideas by faithfully studying the Bible and preaching the truth we discover.
We hope that the sermons at New City Wien will introduce God’s view to you in a way that will lead you to a deeper appreciation for Jesus, a better understanding of life and changed hearts and lives.
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Active filter: Series: Acts: The Mission of God :: Apostelgeschichte: Die Mission Gottes (x) , Date: 2022 (x)
Preacher: JD Bautista (4), Rick Harper (3), Matt Eck (2), Rob Clarke (1), Felix Ring (1).
Date: September (3), October (5), November (3)

Date Title Passage Preacher Series
November 20, 2022 The Mission of the Church :: Die Mission der Kirche Acts 28:28-31 Rick Harper Acts: The Mission of God :: Apostelgeschichte: Die Mission Gottes
November 13, 2022 The Greatest Sinner, The Greatest Savior :: Der Größte Sünder, Der Größte Retter Acts 9:1-19 JD Bautista Acts: The Mission of God :: Apostelgeschichte: Die Mission Gottes
November 6, 2022 Truth 2.0 :: Wahrheit 2.0 Acts 17:16-34 Rob Clarke Acts: The Mission of God :: Apostelgeschichte: Die Mission Gottes
October 30, 2022 The Church and the Gentiles: God breaks down walls:: Die Kirche und die Nichtjuden: Gott reißt Mauern ein Acts 11:1-18 Matt Eck Acts: The Mission of God :: Apostelgeschichte: Die Mission Gottes
October 23, 2022 The First Church :: Die erste Kirche Acts 2:42-47 JD Bautista Acts: The Mission of God :: Apostelgeschichte: Die Mission Gottes
October 16, 2022 Diener des Großen Orchestrators :: Serving the great orchestrator Acts 4:8-13 Felix Ring Acts: The Mission of God :: Apostelgeschichte: Die Mission Gottes
October 9, 2022 Jesus Reigns :: Jesus Regiert Acts 2:32-36 Rick Harper Acts: The Mission of God :: Apostelgeschichte: Die Mission Gottes
October 2, 2022 The Revolution of the Spirit :: Die Revolution des Geistes Acts 2:1-13 JD Bautista Acts: The Mission of God :: Apostelgeschichte: Die Mission Gottes
September 25, 2022 A Tale of Two Kingdoms :: Eine Geschichte von zwei Königreichen Acts 5:17-42 Matt Eck Acts: The Mission of God :: Apostelgeschichte: Die Mission Gottes
September 18, 2022 God Orchestrates (The Word of God) :: Gott Orchestriert (Das Wort Gottes) Acts 6:7 Rick Harper Acts: The Mission of God :: Apostelgeschichte: Die Mission Gottes