Wiedner Hauptstraße 146-148, 1050 Wien

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It is a great privilege that God speaks to us. He chose to reveal his thoughts in a book. We as a church want to value God’s ideas by faithfully studying the Bible and preaching the truth we discover.
We hope that the sermons at New City Wien will introduce God’s view to you in a way that will lead you to a deeper appreciation for Jesus, a better understanding of life and changed hearts and lives.
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Active filter: Series: Overview of the Old Testament: Genesis to Esther :: Überblick des Alten Testaments: 1. Mose bis Esther (x) , Date: 2021 (x), August (x)
Preacher: Rob Clarke (1), JD Bautista (1), Matt Eck (1), Eric Brauer (1), Felix Ring (1).
Book: 1 Kings (1), 2 Kings (1), 1 Chronicles (1), 2 Chronicles (1), Esther (1).

Date Title Passage Preacher Series
August 29, 2021 Esther and the X-Men :: Esther und die X-Men Esther 1:1-10:3 Rob Clarke Overview of the Old Testament: Genesis to Esther :: Überblick des Alten Testaments: 1. Mose bis Esther
August 22, 2021 Grace Flows Downhill :: Gnade fließt bergab 2 Chronicles 20:12 JD Bautista Overview of the Old Testament: Genesis to Esther :: Überblick des Alten Testaments: 1. Mose bis Esther
August 15, 2021 Called, Created, and Freed for Worship :: Berufen, geschaffen und befreit zur Anbetung 1 Chronicles 16:8-36 Matt Eck Overview of the Old Testament: Genesis to Esther :: Überblick des Alten Testaments: 1. Mose bis Esther
August 8, 2021 Cherishing the Word of Our Faithful God :: Festhalten am Wort unseres treuen Gottes 2 Kings 23:25 Eric Brauer Overview of the Old Testament: Genesis to Esther :: Überblick des Alten Testaments: 1. Mose bis Esther
August 1, 2021 Ein Haus der Anbetung aus lebendigen Bausteinen :: A House of Worship Made of Living Stones 1 Kings 1:1-22:53 Felix Ring Overview of the Old Testament: Genesis to Esther :: Überblick des Alten Testaments: 1. Mose bis Esther